July 6, 2024


Over 20 Iranian universities among world’s top

Published: August 29, 2017 


A survey by the Information Sciences Institute (ISI) reveals that 24 Iranian universities are among the world’s most effective academic centers and institutes, an Iranian academic official said.

The ISI list includes universities in the top one percent of the world’s academic centers. It is updated every two months, said the head of the Islamic World Science Citation Center (ISC), Mohammad Javad Dehqani, on Sunday, IRNA reported.

Tehran University of Medical Sciences and Iran Polymer and Petrochemical Institute are among the world’s top one percent, he added.

Most of these universities are categorized in the field of chemistry, Dehqani said.

“In the field of geology, Tehran University is among the world’s top universities. In mathematics, Amirkabir University of Technology and Islamic Azad University are ranked among the world’s top one percent academic centers.”

In physics, the Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences, Sharif University of Technology, Isfahan University of Technology and Islamic Azad University are listed among the world’s bests, ISC head said.

/ Iran daily /